Monday, March 15, 2010

Lomohunter activities ;D

♥ 20feb
♥ lomohunter booth at waterfront Kuching
♥ organize by Jabatan Kebudayaan Kesenian & Pelancongan Sarawak
♥ thanks 2 Wandy Saeit (our big boss), Husny Mubarak (PA ws), Epit (polaroid), Ika Abdullah (cupcake girl), Faizura Maslona (owner pink fish eye 2), Zulkamal Azman ( bufday boy), Apriz Marzuki (org kanan ws), Hafiz Draman (Laupan ;D), my cawaii lil sis Aween, Nuri & Azah...4 those yg x da d sebut..maafin ya...pic kat bawah tok time at booth n time preparation b4 booth ya ;D

♥ lomowall ♥
♥what a busy day..with ika yg tgh gmba fish eye 2♥
♥thanks 2 our fren who come to lomohunter booth ;D♥

The 10 golden Rules Of Lomography

  1. Take Your  LOMO everywhere you go
  2. Use it any time ~  day & night
  3. LOMOGRAPHY is not an interference in your life, but part of it
  4. Shoot fron the hip and over your head
  5. Get as closer as possible to the object of your lomographic desire 
  6. Don't think (William Firebrace)
  7. Be Fast
  8.  You don't have to know what's going to be captured when you shoot
  9. You don't have to know what's on the film afterwards either
  10. Don't worry about any rules

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    ♥ Black Bird Fly ♥

    i fall in love with (BBF) black bird fly
    sbb..dapat (MX) multiply exposure
    color pun ok even using lucky color iso200 and superia iso100

    Friday, February 5, 2010


    wasehh..baju lomohunter baru dah kua!!
    p aku dapat free lah...hehehe
    marek dah sampy..n lu bgmba terus..
    aku..abg..baax n apis..
    tok la baju brand new keluaran PHOTOHUNTER
    n edisi pertama dari LOMOHUNTER

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Paranormal Activity : It's Happend 2 Me!!!

    last friday..ku kua jalan2 ngan kak neng kat mid villey..
    boring2 tek lu nk c movie..carik2 punya cita..alu la decide 2 watch paranormal activity..
    starting cerita ya slow sikit n it makes me feel boring n sleepy..
    layan punya layan...cita ya menarek perhatian aku!
    boh cita la pa jalan cita..that is not the point..
    tak org layan dik pun...
    cta mcm tok..

    kak neng penah padah ngan aku yg rumah nya dyam ya mcm ada something jak...
    tp xtauk pa bnda ya..
    ari kamis mlm jemat..nya xpat tdo..
    nya kenak kaco org semandin..
    bnda ya x besa n merangkak atas badan aku..aku nk tido mati langsong xseda..
    the next day..aku gk kenak!aku xpat tido nyenyak..
    aku rasa ada lembaga itam bediri blakang pintu..
    nya nk agak aku,tp xdapat..
    there is something want to communicate with us!
    believe it or's happened 2 me

    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    i love KUCHING

    xlamak gk ku balit kuching...17 jan tok....
    xsaba ehh..pat ato blog tok mena2...
    n kira im going back 2 normal..mcm la lamak tok tek gila nk..
    bnyak aktiviti ku kat kch nun tetinggal...
    antaranya :
    hang out with PHOTOHUNTER
    berik PUSAK ku makan
    drive KETA..raon2 bah
    ato RAMBUT ku
    nk denga abg WANDY ku ngerepak...
    pa k owh...mcm2 gk la ehh...emm xda gmba nk upload..
    saja jak ku nk madah ku rndu kuching..hehe

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    back to black

    which 1 is better?
    original or fake.. black or color..
    ku pk mok change my hair color turning black.. since end of 2006 till 2day.. rambut ku xpenah itam.. pandy boring dah nk color2 rambut..haha tunggu dah sampey kat kch lak ku tuka..hehe gmba ya upa ku berambut itam..ya wick jak..
    haha rambut palsu yg d beli abg ku masa nya melancong kat china riya.. lamak dah ku mengidamkan rambut bewarna itam..
    gik pun.. dino lebeh suka ku berambut itam.. :)
    dah tiba masanya im going back 2 normal..